Plow 5-body hinged "PNP 5-40"

    Product description

    The 5-body mounted plow PNP-5-40 is designed for plowing various soils without clogged stones and flagstone and other obstacles with a specific resistance of up to 0.09 MPa and a hardness of up to 3.0 MPa. in all soil and climatic zones. Smooth plowing allows for soil cultivation without stump ridges and breakaway furrows, which is convenient for the operation of seeders, combines, tractors and other machines.

    Manufacturer: Orshaagroprommash

    Manufacturer: Plug

    Product categories: Agricultural machinery, Mounted plows, Plows

    Price on request

    General characteristics

    • Plow type: hinged
    • Aggregation, tractor class / h.p.: 2,3/130-150
    • Number of bodies, pcs: 5
    • Plowing depth, no more than cm: 27
    • Plow width, cm: 200
    • Productivity for 1 hour of main time, hectare: 1,4-1,8
    • Working speed of movement, km/h: 7-9
    • Manufacturer: Orshaagroprommash


    • length, mm: 4500
    • weight, kg: 800