Special semi-trailer "PS-30"
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- Special semi-trailer "PS-30"
Model description
The semi-trailer is designed for receiving and transporting the chopped mass of forage crops from forage harvesters, its subsequent delivery to the storage site and unloading back by a conveyor, as well as for the transportation of other lightweight cargo with a specific weight of up to 400 kg / m³.
Product categories: Agricultural machinery, Semi-trailers, Special semi-trailers
1 980 000₽
General characteristics
- Carrying capacity, tons: 8,0
- Body capacity, m³: 30
- Weight, t: 4
- Transport speed, km/h: 25
- Tractor, class. vehicle: 1,4-2,0
- Type of drawbar of the tractor: TSU-2 / TSU-2V
- Manufacturer: BobruiskAgroMash
Overall dimensions, m
- length: 8,0
- width: 2,55
- height without extension boards: 3,37
- height with extension boards: