Tractor semi-trailer "PTSS-25"

    Model description

    Tractor agricultural semitrailers special PTSS-25 are designed for transportation and mechanized unloading of manure, compost, silage and hay mass and other agricultural cargo.

    The semi-trailers are equipped with a steering axle with a braking system for better maneuverability.

    Semi-trailers are manufactured in two versions:

    PTSS-25-01 - a semitrailer equipped with a valve (basic configuration);
    PTSS-25-02 - a semitrailer equipped with a spreader used for surface application of solid organic fertilizers (manure, compost, peat, etc.). The package of this version also includes a valve that can be easily installed instead of the spreader, if necessary, to transport grain, silage mass, etc. bulk materials.

    Manufacturer: Torgtekhmash LLC

    Product categories: Agricultural machinery, Semi-trailers, Tractor semitrailers

    Price on request

    General characteristics

    • Type: Semi-trailer special
    • Body capacity (without extension boards), m³, not less: 27,8
    • Body capacity (with extension boards), m³, not less: 43,6
    • Loading height (on side boards), mm, not more: 3000
    • Loading height (along the sideboards), mm, not more: 3600
    • Loss of cargo during transportation: Not allowed
    • Unloading time, minutes: 3-10
    • Unloading completeness without manual post-treatment, %, not less: 99
    • Aggregation (machine class): tractors 3-5 (class and higher)
    • Speed of cargo transportation during transportation (maximum), km / h: 40
    • Cargo transportation speed when applying fertilizers (working), km / h: 4-10
    • Distribution of the load on the supports at full load on the drawbar of the tractor, tons, not more: 3
    • Distribution of the load on the supports at full load on the semi-trailer bogie, tons, no more: 34
    • Track size, mm: 2140
    • Minimum outside turning radius of a semitrailer, m, no more: 15
    • Ground clearance, millimeters, not less: 300
    • Number of axles (wheels), pcs: 3 (6)
    • Tire pressure, MPa: 0,32 ± 0,04
    • Tire size: 600/50-22,5
    • Working pressure in the hydraulic system, MPa, not more: 20
    • Number of service personnel (tractor driver), people: 1
    • Reliability factor of the technological process, not less: 0,99
    • Coefficient of using shift time, not less: 0,20
    • Availability factor for operational time, not less: 0,99
    • Carrying capacity, tons, not more: 25