Segment-finger mower KSP-2.1
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- Segment-finger mower KSP-2.1
Model description
The segment-tine mower is designed for use on flat terrain and is used to work with various types of seeded and natural grasses.
По сравнению с аналогами косилка КСП-2,1 имеет более надежную раму и брус режущего аппарата, повышена работоспособность предохранительного устройства.
This segment-tine model is driven by the tractor's power take-off shaft belonging to the traction class 0.6-1.4 (it is aggregated with the tractor by the hitching method).
Product categories: Agricultural machinery, Mowers, Segment finger mowers, Stock
86 100₽
General characteristics:
- Capture width, m: 2,1
- Cut height, mm: 40-80
- Drive power, kW: up to 7.5
- Working speed, km / h: up to 12
- Transport speed, km/h: up to 25
- Weight, t: 0,18
- Productivity, ha/h: 0,95-2,3
- PTO rotation speed, rpm: 540
- Tractor, class. vehicle: 0,6-1,4
- Manufacturer: BobruiskAgroMash
Overall dimensions, meters:
- length: 2,3
- width: 0,9
- height: 1,2